Ch 8 Notes Chapter 8

How Do We Develop and Organize Arguments

Organizing rhetorically

  • What is your purpose? What are you trying to accomplish with this essay?
  • What kind of audience will read this? Will readers likely resist or welcome my ideas?
  • How are the arguments that I've read in this discipline typically organized? What type of organization will my reader expect? (Do you want to meet the audience expectations?)
  • Am I conduction original research, such as collecting data or conducting experiments?

Techniques for Organizing Your Thoughts

  • Sometimes we lack clear sense of our argument so we begin writing and see where it would lead and design a structure later.
  • Organization techniques help us arrange and assemble our thoughts.

Visualize your organization
Experiment with Maps, Graphics, and Software
Create a Reverse Outline

When Developing Your Arguments

  • Organizing creates a logical progression of ideas, and it allows us to focus on the issues that are most controversial and interesting.

Arguments about Existence and Fact
Existence arguments can be difficult because audiences tend to hold stubbornly to what they believe exists whether it is true or factual.
Existence relies solely on evidence.

Arguments about Definition
Many arguments begin with how we define a term or concept. TO be able to verify a definition is by using credible sources.

Arguments about Cause and Consequence
Arguments that try to establish a causal link are difficult to make. They commit logical fallacies.

Arguments about Evalutation
Theses stand alone and sometimes be a part of larger arguments.

  • Scholars rarely assert their own position before they've acknowledged what others have said.
  • Organize your revision
  • Add transitions (What's coming next, how are ideas connected, when a change in subj. or tone will occur, or how to interpret the argument)
  • Unify your argument
  • Design your document

Table for Designing Your Document
Design Format:

  • Headings and subjeadings
  • Capitalized phrase in italics
  • Paragraph with hanging indents
  • Pull quote

Design Function:
*Helps readers navigate content
Signals a book, magazine, or journal title.
Indicates a bibliographic citation
Attracts reader interests.

Structure Your Writing Process

  • Break the assignment into a series of manageable tasks; then assign a deadline for each task.
  • Break a long assignment into chunks.
  • Get feedback along the way.
  • Don't insist on following a fixed or linear plan.

CH 9,Notes Chapter 9

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