Rhetorical Analysis Peer Review Hamnes


I have a few concerns with my rough draft including lack of a couple of things on the rhetorical situation.


I feel that you have answered the rhetorical situation good!

  • How well can you follow the writer's line of reasoning? Are there any places where you got a little lost, or things seemed less clear?

-I can follow it very easy and things were very clear.

  • Does the writer address the rhetorical situation sufficiently (purpose, audience, author, genre, and context)? If not, where do you think they need to add or clarify information?

-Yes he addressed the it sufficiently and i feel that he answered the purpose, audience, author, genre, and context very well.

  • Does the writer identify the:
    • catalyst
    • main claim (thesis)
    • supports
    • linkages
    • implications

-Yes i feel that he has identified all of them but the linkages, I'm not sure if I found any of them.

  • Does the writer give evidence from the article to back up their analysis?

-Yes he gives evidence from the article to back up his analysis.

  • Finally, write a few sentences describing your reactions to the text as you were reading it.

-I agree with his analysis about the article.

-Tyler Johnson


  • First, help the writer with their stated concerns ^

-You have a good start on the Rhetorical situation but could go into a little more detail. Also, find some linkages and explain how they are linking the support and the claim. They are usually found at the end of paragraphs.

  • How well can you follow the writer's line of reasoning? Are there any places where you got a little lost, or things seemed less clear?

- I can follow your line of reasoning pretty clearly. The first couple paragraphs, which is your line of reasoning, are the strongest of your Rhetorical Analysis so far.

  • Does the writer address the rhetorical situation sufficiently (purpose, audience, author, genre, and context)? If not, where do you think they need to add or clarify information?

-You address all of these aspects of the rhetorical situation very well in the beginning.

  • Does the writer identify the:
    • catalyst -Yes
    • main claim (thesis) -Yes
    • supports -Yes, but could have more details
    • linkages - No, you need to find some examples of linkage, and don't forget to explain.
    • implications - Yes, but this part could also use some more explaining or details.
  • Does the writer give evidence from the article to back up their analysis?

- Yes, you quoted the author a few times and this helped a lot to back up your analysis. You quoted him and then explained more which really help your analysis go into more detail.

  • Finally, write a few sentences describing your reactions to the text as you were reading it.

- I liked your rhetorical analysis. You seem to have a good idea of all the aspects we need to look for besides linkage, which is kind of a hard one. The beginning of your analysis has much more detail than the end. That's okay though because I think it's good to get the ideas down then go back and elaborate. Your analysis is organized really well, just don't forget to add implications or details through out the whole thing.

- Paris Thomas

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