Rhetorical Situation Tyler Katie Logan

Rhetorical Situation

  • Who (Author, Audience)
    • Author is Suzanne LaBarre. She is the online content director for Popular Science
    • The public, or anyone who reads the magazine
    • Adults, less educated people than who wrote the magazine, maybe only a high school deploma. The readers could be bias based on what their beliefs are and their experiences
  • What and How
    • "Comments can be bad for science."
    • She talks about how it wasn't a decision that they made lightly. She also says that the comments that people made could really sway peoples ideas about the topic
    • There are paragraphs that separate the article
    • There were a lot of links to show examples of the bad comments on their site.
    • She was published on Popular Science
    • She has a scholarly tone to her article. She sounds like she really knows what she is talking about
    • She makes a comment that, "even a fractious minority wields enough power to skew a reader's perception of a story.
    • The design element that is used is more formal
    • At the beginning of the article there is a picture of something scientific
  • When and Where
    • The published on September 24, 2013
    • The domain is .com, which is a commercial based website
  • Why
    • The purpose of this article is to show how bad comments can affect readers thoughts about a subject. Also the purpose could be to explain their reasoning why they are not allowing comments anymore
    • This topic is important because it affects a lot of people with the comments that are made. A lot of times it can even completely jump to a different topic.
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